
An assessment is a diagnostic tool used to help determine your current status.

It provides clarity on whether or not you are in a position to reach your intended objective.
Think of it like the fuel gage in your car, boat, or airplane. Before you depart, you assess if you have sufficient fuel to get you where you need to go. If not, you devise an action plan to ensure you have or can obtain the necessary fuel.

The two business assessments available from BrainSHARE will give you the plain honest truth about the status of you and/or your business.

They present an unbiased representation of the conditions, opportunities, and challenges in the areas of Communication and Leadership. From there you can devise the personal and/or business plan to accomplish your goals.
These are private assessments shared only with the person answering the assessment questions.


DISC + Motivators

DISC provides a highly detailed analysis of each individual’s Natural and Adapted behavioral styles. DISC reveals how a person will most likely behave within a given environment, situation, or relationship. It offers prescriptive lessons designed to highlight and maximize self-awareness, intentionality, and interpersonal communication, personally and professionally.
The perfect companion to DISC, Motivators measures seven Dimensions of Motivation that drive our behavior and decisions: Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Power, Altruistic, Regulatory, and Theoretical. Just as DISC reveals how a person will likely behave, Motivators explores why we are driven to do what we do and what we value at our core.

Price: $69.00

ASSESSMENT: Leadership Effectiveness 360


The Leadership Effectiveness 360 is an assessment that will identify:

• Areas of strength and areas needing improvement associated with critical leadership competencies.
• Allow you to see yourself as others see you.
• Guide you in developing a personalized leadership development plan.
• Serve as a benchmark in your leadership development.

While everyone has innate qualities that make them natural leaders, leadership is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved. The insight from this assessment will unlock and augment the parts of leadership that are natural strengths and help you work on areas of weaknesses to make you a more well-rounded, balanced, and adaptable leader.

Price: $89.00

ASSESSMENT: Learning Style

Learning Style

All learners are not equal. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and from many cultural backgrounds. In addition, their past experience and existing methods of learning may be quite different. Apart from differences in general background or culture, some people like to process information through text, while others want visual support and images. Some assimilate information individually, while others prefer to work in groups. Some grasp information intuitively and quickly, while others prefer to see a strong sequential path and time to reflect. In the end, the only thing you can say for sure is that every individual learns in their own particular way.

The Learning Styles Report identifies and helps individuals understand their relative preferences as they learn and to better manage their transfer process in the future. It is intended to help determine where people’s general preferences, or natural learning biases, might lie. Although this is far from an exact science, the simple view is that the more we can understand about how we perceive new information or new learning, the better and more successful our learning transfer will be.

Price: $42.00